Comparative Analysis of Self-Reported Wellness Levels of International Students within a University in India.


  • Pema Chopel Royal University of Bhutan
  • Judith Miller University of New England,


wholistic wellness, international students, postgraduates


This study explored the self-reported wellness of postgraduate students studying in an International University located in South Eastern India. From a large university population, with three distinct hostel arrangements, the one hostel with a co-educational population was purposively sampled. A questionnaire based on five dimensions of wellness was administered to predominantly postgraduate students (N=50) with an equal number of males (n=25) and females (n=25) and ages ranging from 30 to 45 years. The participants represented a diverse range of nationalities, including the majority from Nepal (n=16); Ethiopia (n=15); Afghanistan (n=7); Iran (n=5); Guyana (n=3); and 1 each from Botwana, Brazil, Rawana and South Africa (n=4). Results from the self-reported height and weight indicated the cohort was predominantly in the normal Body Mass Index range (n=32); some overweight (n=14); few underweight (n=3) and one person obese. All five individual dimensions of emotional, intellectual, physical, social and spiritual were skewed towards ‘high’ or ‘good’ levels of wellness. The amalgamated scores provided a comprehensive wellness score with ‘highest level’ (n=29) and ‘good’ (n=21). Implications of this study includes informing future programs to support the wellness and wellbeing of multicultural postgraduate students in international contexts

Author Biographies

Pema Chopel, Royal University of Bhutan

Mr. Pema Chopel is a lecturer, currently serving as a Programme Leader for Bachelor of Education, Secondary (B.Ed. Sec.) at Samtse College of Education (SCE), Royal University of Bhutan. He has completed his Master of Physical Education (M.PE) and Master of Public Administration (MA. Pub. Admn.) from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India. His subject of specialization is Health and Physical Education (HPE) and he has also taught other professional modules such as Curriculum Theories, Teaching Skills and Strategies,Bhutanese Education System to undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Judith Miller, University of New England,

Dr. Judith Miller has been actively contributing to pre-service teacher education, teaching and researching for twenty-seven years at the University of New England, Armidale NSW, Australia. Her specialisation is Health and Physical Education and developmental coordination disorder. Judith has contributed to both collaborative research and curriculum development in Bhutan, most recently championing study programmes for young Australian student teachers to experience education in Bhutan through the support of the New Colombo Plan Scholarship scheme.




How to Cite

Chopel, P. ., & Miller, J. . (2021). Comparative Analysis of Self-Reported Wellness Levels of International Students within a University in India. Bhutan Journal of Research and Development, 8(2). Retrieved from